James Lloyd Walker
Private First Class
Army of the United States
Blackfoot, Idaho
November 18, 1946 to October 30, 1966
JAMES L WALKER is on the Wall at Panel 11E, Line 131
See the full profile or name rubbing for James Walker

James L Walker
17avngrp.gif 52ndcab.gif 155thahc.gif

15 Aug 2003

James loved the out-of-doors and the mountains of Idaho.

From his sister.

19 Mar 2006

He is loved and missed
by his daughter.
I wish I had known you, daddy.

From his daughter,


A Note from The Virtual Wall

On 30 Oct 1966 the 155th Aviation Company (later redesignated the 155th Assault Helicopter Company) was tasked with flying a resupply mission for a 25th Infantry Division unit operating in the vicinity of Plei Dyereng, near Dak To. Warrant Officer Michael N. Coryell, who had orders to detach for duty in Germany, volunteered to fly one last mission before leaving. As the aircraft approached its destination, it was hit in the engine compartment by 12.7mm antiaircraft fire and crashed in flames. All four men aboard UH-1D tail number 64-13587 died in the crash:
  • WO1 Michael Noble Coryell, pilot-in-command
  • WO1 Wilmer Jay Willingham, copilot
  • SP4 John Willie Woods, Jr, gunner
  • PFC James Lloyd Walker, crew chief
The home of the 155th was named "Camp Coryell" in honor of WO Coryell.

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