Earl Allen Patterson
Staff Sergeant
Army of the United States
Tionesta, Pennsylvania
April 21, 1930 to December 13, 1964
EARL A PATTERSON is on the Wall at Panel 1E, Line 77
See the full profile or name rubbing for Earl Patterson


Veterans' Day 2003

I am the daughter of Staff Sgt Earl Allen Patterson,
who was taken from us when I was only 8 years old.
Not a lot of time to build memories ...
or even have a lot of memories.
I remember white boxer shorts and t-shirts,
and how safe I felt when he held me.

I have been told that he was a "meat and potatoes" kinda guy and that he loved his country so much he died for it.

Yes, I am the daughter. And along with 2 brothers we grew up with out our Dad. We had no grief counsellors ... no government plan to see we suceeded in life ... but we did OK. We still hurt every day, and I don't think we will ever "get over it"

But we are survivors. And I will make him proud.
Because I am the daughter of a hero.

I'll love you always Dad,
Susan Marie Patterson (Heaton)

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