James Mc Nally Mitchell, Jr
First Lieutenant
United States Marine Corps
Encinitas, California
August 08, 1940 to August 31, 1965
JAMES M MITCHELL Jr is on the Wall at Panel 2E, Line 70
See the full profile or name rubbing for James Mitchell

Combat Action Ribbon

6 Jun 2002

Jimmy, we are erecting a memorial for you and the others who paid the ultimate price for our freedom. We are erecting it at San Dieguito High School for those who were students there. We will never forget you all.

29 Dec 2003

Jimmy, the memorial was dedicated on 11/11/03.
Jan was there and she still looks great.
I have yet to meet your daughter Erin.

Amigo, we fought a bunch of ex-hippies and liberals to install the memorial and we won. Semper Fi Brother, I will never forget you.

From his best friend,
David "Chato" Gonzales

22 Sep 2002

I learned of you thru a Marine who served with you,
James T. Egan, Jr. (MIA 1/21/66).

In a letter home he said,
"One of the dead was a platoon leader named Jim Mitchell who was really great and a top notch Marine."

You are remembered and always will be in my prayers. You touched Jim's life and because of Jim you have touched mine.

"No Marine was ever honored for what they received.
Honor was the reward for what they gave."
(Anonymous )

With respect, Patty

31 Aug 2004

Your service to your country and your sacrifice are not forgotten.


From a caring American,
Patricia Mielke
12 Melinda Lane, Easthampton, Ma 01027

14 Oct 2002

Lieutenant Mitchell, I was proud to have had you as my Platoon commander and would have followed you any place there was. You're a great leader and Marine ... again I am proud to have served with you.

From a fellow Marine,
James L. Proctor
615 Crestwood Drive, Marshall, Mo. 65340

27 Nov 2002

Jimmy was the supreme point guard who took control and led San Dieguito High School to a winning basketball season in 1959 and then continued his leadership at Palomar College for the championship in 1960.

When Jimmy joined the Marines, we all knew he would be an outstanding leader. Jimmy, you were one of a kind and I miss you very much.

Signing off for now,
Boydd Galland

28 Aug 2003

No one is useless in this world who lightens the burdens of others.

"To know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived.
This is to have succeeded."
- Ralph Waldo Emerson -

Jimmy, I believe this quote by Emerson to be true. Based on that, I think that you and all the other names on this Wall are some of America's greatest success stories. Because of you, we have all breathed easier. You are greatly appreciated.

From a grateful American,
Gwynn Dillard

20 Jul 2007

Lt. Mitchell,

I was your Corpsman until 29 May 1965. I wasn't there when the land mine went off. Due to my injuries on the above date I had been transferred to 1st Battalion 7th Marines upon my release from the hospital. I have suffered greatly, emotionally, because I feel I should have been there with my unit. I let down you and the company.

Byron W. Story, Jr.
Corpsman, Delta Co, 1st Bn, 4th Marines 64-65,
Charlottesville, Virginia 22902


A Note from The Virtual Wall

The Delta 1/4 Marines lost two men on 31 Aug 1965 - 1stLt James Mitchell and Cpl Daniel W. Duffy of New York City - to a mine on Ky Hoa Island, about 11 kilometers west of where the Chu Lai Air Base complex was built.

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