Randy Ellis is standing giving out instruction prior to an air mobile operation the morning of Nov. 9th, 1970. He was our squad leader. Randy was one of those people who was proud to be a soldier and fully believed in what he was doing. Randy never got to see his first child, his wife was 7 months pregnant at the time of his death. The second picture is of Francis William Harter. It is a very special picture. When it was taken little did I know that 3 hours later he would get killed. He is the red head kneeling down petting the puppy. A few hours later the rest of the squad had headed out to an ambush location with 5 Arvn soldiers. On the way there they walked into an ambush (which we believe was set up by the 2 ARVNs walking point since we never found them, believing that they went over to the other side). Unfortunately I don't have a picture of Ronald J. Di Bartolomeo who lived for 2 days after the ambush. Randy and Fran died on Nov. 9, 1970, Ron died on the 11th. We were all in Co. B 1/5th Mech, 25th Infantry Div. November 9th 1970 was without a doubt the very worst day of my life and these three great people are to this day my heros. I will remember them always!
Thank You,
Randy Kethcart
by his comrades in the

5th Infantry - the Bobcats